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Created 8 Jan 2018
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Male Northern Harrier aka the Grey g..rtin
Technopark Nov 7, 2024 3512 Eastern ...jpg
Long-eared owl
Chuckleberry and yellow warbler / pa..aune
Barred Owl in flight
Black swallowtail on milk thistle
Technopark April 7, 2023 9091 baby g...jpg
Great horned owl
Monarch butterfly and purple aster
Technopark Dec 31, 2020 4165 Eddie.JPG
Snowy owl on a rooftop
Northern Saw whet owl / petit nyctale
Short-eared owl
Rabbit, what's up doc?
Evening primrose moth on evening pri..rose
Great gray owl in the branches / cho..pone
Virginia rail downy chick / râle de ..inie
Merlin falcon
Great crested flycatcher
Technopark April 8, 2023 8153 turkey.jpg
Wild turkey
meadow vole
Technopark May 12, 2021 6188 Robin f...jpg
Technopark May 19, 2021 4401 yellow ...jpg
Technopark July 12, 2021 Monarch fie...jpg
Technopark April 6, 2023 woodcocks 7...jpg
Cardinal flower
Technopark Oct 25, 2022 4707 eastern...jpg
Eddie, the red-tailed hawk in flight..keys
Barred owl in the snow
Yellow legs
Milk thistle
Tree swallow babies
Mama pied billed grebe and baby greb..arré
Eastern kingbird and baby / Tyran tritri
Scissor-tailed flycatcher
Baby spotted sandpiper
Least Bittern in flight / petit blongios
Tennessee warbler in fall plumage
Duckling and bug / caneton et insecte
Pileated woodpecker in flight
Green heron with a snack
Long eared owl / hibou moyen-duc
Male hairy woodpecker at work
Eddie the red tailed hawk catch a sc..vole
Eddie red tailed hawk
Red squirrel
The spirit of the trees
American kestrel
Wooly caterpillar
Bee on pink and purple flowers
Groundhog in a tree
Technopark Etang aux hérons
Deadly nightshade aka belladonna
White tailed rabbit
Black crowned night heron fishing
Spotted sandpiper / Chevalier grivelé
Great egret
Cottontail rabbit / lapin à queue bl..nche
Butter and eggs
Technopark May 13, 2021 0211 gosling...jpg
Red squirrel
Monarch in flight / papillon monarque
Black eyed susans
Monarch on thistle
Technoparc "save our home"..tri)
Chicory / chickorée
Bee / abeille
Abstract of the colors of TP in fall
Red tailed hawk / buse à queue rousse
A VERY well fed groundhog
Common redpoll
Long eared owl / hibou moyen-duc
evening primrose
Spider and prey / araignée
Technopark Rainbow / arc-en-ciel
Barred owl
Baby muskrat / rat musqué
Purple aster
Kildeer baby (from far away and cropped)
Path with trillium
Female cardinal
Black swallowtail on milk thistle
Cape may warbler in flower blossoms
Monarch on phragmites / papillon mon..rque
Barred owl / chouette rayée
Meadow jumping mouse near marais des..rces
Black crowned night heron / bihoreau..gris
Warbling vireo
Technopark in the snow / technoparc ..eige
Technopark cell phone shot JB hill
Black and white warbler
Virginia rail and baby / râle de vir..inie
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2023 Galerie 203 Exhibit "In The Wild"